General Josh Wrote:Im gonna put this up here as well, so i dont get Drunk Killer dickery for talking too much in the chat
General Josh Wrote:Can we enforce a ping limit of 300 or something, ill bet its because of all the High pingers that the server crashed.
First, nice try with your fail post.
As far as they told me wL is a
international server they don't want to put ping limits it could lower the traffic and our reputation. Not correct those players don't do that the only thing that happens is just delay in the transfer of data.
OI screweth U!
An the girl in your picture has no ass bro.
Second how is that fail, im making a suggestion in the suggestions thread like Drunk asked me to.
It's an international server, as long as the players aren't skipping then it's fine.
Well they are and most have been skipping frames thats the problem, also theres been a number of times where ive played and the whole server is people with 300+ping, and im the only person with 50. Some of those players who use barcode numbers for names, like 0.6096.... whatever , ive seen a number of them skip alot.
ok bye war lords you guys added awps and it was perfectly fine without them say good to one of your most active person on the server
ReeFlex® Wrote:ok bye war lords you guys added awps and it was perfectly fine without them say good to one of your most active person on the server
well, if you didn't like make a thread and a poll (I didn't like it either, even tho people gets lots of points with awps..)
I like the awps(says one of the most regular players on the server) I like how 80% of people who use them still get out p90ed by me, and cant hit a moving target either
I dont like the fact that this really isnt balanced, its just giving evrybody an awp and watching whose shittier, now i can kill 4 but die once to a noob and i lose 6 points, and even then thats not the problem. Sort out the auto-switch feature problem, its totally annoying, the server cant seem to make up its mind, i get switched to ct, kill like 60 ppl, and then all of a sudden im a t in ct spawn.
I got on Dust2DM for the first time in a while to goof around with the awps. I noticed the autoswitching feature you guys mention.
In the past, you had to wait for your team to outnumber the other team to be allowed to switch. This caused problems when the good players stacked T, and the CTs were all getting turkey shot in their spawn. To balance that, I think they changed the plugin to allow players to switch sides when they like, and if the opposing team gets stacked, autobalance switches a random player back, which is likely what happened to you.
This seems more fair--though if the player skin doesn't change, there's obvious issues. Didn't see any of that yesterday though.
Yea i believe when Bison came on the other day to the server he fixed that auto-switch thing to properly switch players and their skin and spawn location. I like the fact that the Evil Deagle is on again, but why is the server capped at 60 ppl now? 40 is a number that i doubt we'll even reach in terms of total players.
General Josh Wrote:why is the server capped at 60 ppl now? 40 is a number that i doubt we'll even reach in terms of total players.
Then why would it matter whether it is 40 or 60? :