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Approved  Joltzz
Name: Joltzz

Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:10856678

Age: 33

Timezone: Central Time US and Canada.

Availability: I work from home so I'm usually always found here. It's not hard to get a hold of me when needed.

Tell us something about yourself: Things were a little hectic for me for awhile so I didn't play AS often but I still played. Things have settled down greatly in the last month and I've been waiting to re-apply and give it some time first. One of the reasons I didn't reply again in my previous application is I didn't want to continuously bug the staff and asking about admin. I figured after a few months having not heard anything, that the answer was a no (which I completely understand if it is). As for more about me, I love film and am a student of it. I have a very in depth knowledge of both that and music. I collect rare/expensive beers. I'm a hockey nut (Blackhawks should have had the Kings......still bitter haha). I've only recently opened up about this once I started dating again but a year and a half ago, my wife passed away from cancer. I've moved on as much as one possibly can. I work, I take care of my two wonderful children and I play this game to keep myself busy.

Reason For Admin Application: It's just nice to have an administrator willing to monitor the activities of the server. Banning hackers and keeping spamming to a minimum. Assisting other players in any possibly way you can. Getting people to get their friends and so on into the servers to populate them (after that crash or whatever went on, things have been a tad bit slow but growing nicely lately). Aside from whoopin some ass in the game, I very much enjoy helping others. I hope I can help out in any way possible. Please, message me or add me on Steam if you need to speak to me or have any questions/concerns.

Thank you all very much, -Joltzz
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He is active, but he likes Korn. Pls trash.
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Good luck Joltz!
*Please keep in mind, all War-Lords admins are donating their time to help the community. Each have their own lives to attend to and responses may take some time*
good luck joltzz.
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Best of luck to your admin application Joltzz, I expect great things from you ~Da Ze Cool
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Thanks everybody, I appreciate it!
[Image: 1249930_101.png]
GL ... I know your pro and respect the rules Smile
We will be evaluating your application soon, please be patient.
Good to hear! Thanks everybody!
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