Well these vietnamese 2 people were playing friendly yesterday,this video contain nudity so i guess i should not post it directly in this thread,here is the link of the video :
contain nudity, viewer discretion is kinda advised
here the second video pls view it :3
Here is the link to the spray contain nudity too so i won't post it here :
contain nudity too, viewer discretion is kinda advised
Steam ID :
viethoang max : STEAM_0:0:1345159308
BuRn : STEAM_0:0:695942967
contain nudity, viewer discretion is kinda advised
here the second video pls view it :3
Here is the link to the spray contain nudity too so i won't post it here :
contain nudity too, viewer discretion is kinda advised
Steam ID :
viethoang max : STEAM_0:0:1345159308
BuRn : STEAM_0:0:695942967
▒̅█̅░▄▀̅ █̿░̿░̿█▒̿█̿░̿░̿░̿ ▀█▀▒̿█̿▄̿░̿▒̿█̿ ̿
▒█▀▄░ █̲̲̲▄̲̲̲▄̲̲̲█̲̲̲▒█░░░ ▒█▒▒█▀▄░█
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▒█▀▄░ █̲̲̲▄̲̲̲▄̲̲̲█̲̲̲▒█░░░ ▒█▒▒█▀▄░█
▒̲̲█̲̲░̲̲▒̲̲█̲̲ ▄̲̲̿̅▄̲̲̿̅▄̲̲̿̅█̲̲̿▒̲̲ █̲̲▄̲̲▄̲̲█̲̲ ̲̲▄█▄▒̲̲█̲̲░̲̲░̲̲▀̲̲█̲̲ ̲̲
![[Image: 1631091_101.png]](http://wls.gameme.com/sig/1631091_101.png)