Name: BüBBlëTéa/Jerry (Cant remember)
SteamID: jerrylol309
Server: CS:GO Asia PUG
I was a very active member on the server after i found out about it*At least one a day log in to play*. Just another normal day i was playing currently and my friend decided to mess around with my jump button and decided to double bind it to MWHEELDOWN & MWHEELUP, soon after i got a perma ban instantly for no reason. I hope this could be looked into
SteamID: jerrylol309
Server: CS:GO Asia PUG
I was a very active member on the server after i found out about it*At least one a day log in to play*. Just another normal day i was playing currently and my friend decided to mess around with my jump button and decided to double bind it to MWHEELDOWN & MWHEELUP, soon after i got a perma ban instantly for no reason. I hope this could be looked into