Hi I am vasanthakumar
known as vasanth
I play cs s very often
sometimes cs:go too
my cs s gaming started 4 years ago.
I have more than 5k hours of css gaming
but i cant play that good
. because nowadays I play with mobile internet hotspot
And also with low config laptop I get low fps in css itself, so I should not think about cs:go.
I have been admin of some community servers in css and csgo
My most Fav maps in css: Aztek, Dust, Dust2
Most fav weapons: Scout, Awp, Deagle
Most hated weapons: P90, Machine gun, Auto
I switch teams to balance. I hate to win against noobs/ weak team
I don't rage quit even I get Rekt. and I dont reset myscore. I like to see that bad kdr
Almost a coolest guy you have ever seen!
Cya in servers
I love war-lords servers
known as vasanth
I play cs s very often
sometimes cs:go too
my cs s gaming started 4 years ago.
I have more than 5k hours of css gaming

but i cant play that good

And also with low config laptop I get low fps in css itself, so I should not think about cs:go.
I have been admin of some community servers in css and csgo

My most Fav maps in css: Aztek, Dust, Dust2
Most fav weapons: Scout, Awp, Deagle
Most hated weapons: P90, Machine gun, Auto
I switch teams to balance. I hate to win against noobs/ weak team

I don't rage quit even I get Rekt. and I dont reset myscore. I like to see that bad kdr

Almost a coolest guy you have ever seen!
Cya in servers

I love war-lords servers