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Rebecca Black Admirer
Guess no more auto wins with you Dayviee. Good luck over there and take care.
Hey dayvie! Smile Welcome to War-Lords. I've seen you on scrims a couple of times. It sucks
that you're leaving right after your introduction! Good luck with everything!

Anyway, would you be willing to give out zerg lessons? I just started playing sc2 and
I need someone to teach me, Lol. Day9 dailies are just wayyyy toooo longg to watch.
I'm probably a really high rank... bronze player xP

Mittens 377 if you can! Smile
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]
dayvie Wrote:Lol! Hi guys, its dayvie! My real name is David though, I thought I would make this introduction because in a few days, you guys won't probably see me on anymore. The reason for that is I am moving away for college! Santa Barbara woooh! I also got a Macbook Pro just for the sole purpose of not being able to play video games, yeah you heard that right! NO MORE GAMES FOR ME!  :Smile hahaha, I'll try to come on the forums once in a while to say hey and what not, but besides that you guys won't probably hear from me that much. I would like to thank you guys for running awesome servers and the awesome friends I have made! thank you guys for the good times.  ;D

I might play Starcraft 2 every now and then, feel free to add me, US:dayviK.474, no I don't play custom games, I am actually an avid ladder player! I am masters in almost all leagues! Big Grin
Hehe. SB is a fun city, def. have a lot of fun in college.

A) You can play CS:S on a MBP, I do it. =]
B) It's worth it it to still play games... you can always find & make time. I'm in 2 Fraternities and work 3 jobs so I'm typically always busy but I manae to log a few hours =]
C) have funnnnnnnnn. Hallllooooweeeeeeeen!
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
@xFerior, thank you.

@shoot mr.tea in the head, haha I know but I don't even have SC2 installed on my MBP and I hope I can keep it that way!

@Eternal, My wake up song every morning.

@Knight, thanks.

@Dandy, I will be going to SBCC for a year then transfer to UCLA or UCSB, I know I will have fun  Wink

@Bah, thanks man!

@Zenk, I know... if I come back to css, i'll let you know.

@LOKS! we amigos will always be united no matter what! AMIGOS UNITE!  ;D

@ruplayer, not much!

@imperfect, more like no more auto-losses hehe.

@Nada, Hi! it was fun playing css for you while it lasted. Sure i'll help you with zerg, it was my favorite race in starcraft and it still is in starcraft 2. The best way to get better at starcraft 2 is by playing it, not watching it, because no matter how hard you try, you can't mimic another players play style. You have to make up your own.

@Joker, I will. Thank you.

A)I know! but I really want to stray away from gaming... forever
B)I probably will find the time, but I would really like to find other things to do, I heard hiking is quite popular around SB, so I might take that up, also surfing too. Not to mention whenever I go home during the holidays i'll be snowboarding!
C)Looking forward to it. my friend goes to UCSB and said it was one of the best times of his lives lol.
Where do you live to go snowboarding?

And haha, wwhatever you want man =]

Check out Greek life. PRetty awesome at SB / anywhere else.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
I live near Fresno in Central Cali, I'm thinking of buying a season pass to China Peak which is about 2 hours away from there, but for this upcoming winter season I really would love to go to Mammoth Mountain again, I will probably make several trips to lake Tahoe, basically just hit up at least half of the ski mountains here in California!
Hah nice. I might get one to Northstar/Heavenly for this season.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Where is that located? I have a truck so I can make the drive as long as its in california :p hehe.
dayvie Wrote:Where is that located? I have a truck so I can make the drive as long as its in california :p hehe.
All Tahoe mountains. =]
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Cool! I want to go snowboarding at least twice a month lol.

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