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Degradation of the Chinese Society
Nah, the psychological principle is rather the one that deal with that people are typically unwilling to help those in need for fear of being punished or by simply not caring enough. It's an established theory which states that we're essentially too uncaring or afraid to take action.

I disagree that the degradation of morals are more present in the Chinese society rather than that of the West. Sensational stories like these are publicized greatly and there's so much flak that comes from these stories.

What about all of those mothers that abandon their children in dumpsters and the child dies because no one wanted to do anything about it? What about the rapes that happened in Chicago/New York City in the middle of a group of apartments while neighbors watched? What about when a gang murders citizens in broad daylight and no one wants to speak up in fear of retribution? How about when a Fraternity hazes it's pledges through vicious beatings, forced alcohol consumption, and sexual abuse? These events are common in American society... and is equally as bad as these events.

I'm more disturbed by the degradation of our current morals today. Incidents like these aren't common so far, but you just have to turn on the news now to hear about the degradation of Western morals. What society has the ability to have large amounts of murders? Brutal stabbings, torture, and other such events? There's so many equal and worse events happening in America.

We need to take a step back and examine ourselves before we can criticize others?


To use the example of the melamine poisoning food in China as an example of degradation of morals, one needs to take a step back in history and look at past events.

Most economists and politicians will argue that China is going through an advanced Industrial Revolution era in an effort to catch up to the world's superpowers. As turn, they are going through what the US & England went through in the early to mid 20th Century.

While this may be bad, the United States and England both experienced such "food poisoning" events in their past. If you read about Adam Sinclair's The Jungle, you can see how the food industry in the USA was contaminated and how many people would get sick off of the food produced. England has similar problems with their food industry as well. This is also not to say that these problems don't exist in our society today... because they still do.

Moreover, if you want to use the argument that the lack of regard to safety is related to a degradation of morals, then point fingers at Western society. Not only do Western companies outsource their work to facilities that they know cut corners in order to save money, they themselves also produce and release products that have inherent design flaws and will cause injuries and death in our society today.

You can see the multitude of problems with the recalls that many American companies have to issue, most predominantly through car companies.


The problem with the degradation of morals is not more present in China. I believe that a stronger argument would be the fact that our current global economy is having such a large effect upon those with lesser morals in all society. You're describing a human morality problem that cannot be attributed to a specific society. It applies to everyone.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
you know that you are judging an entire country that have a population of more than one billion because of a few pics, and videos, they make up about 20% of the worlds population you cant judge and entire race just like that, besides every society have things like that.
It is quite appalling watching CCTV footage of the Young Girl being run over by a truck, and 18 people walking past her without a glance or a thought of helping her or calling emergency services. This may be because two years ago, a young chinese student saw a senior lady fall over near tiananamen square, and helped her up. Instead of thanking the young man, the Lady called for help, and the student was arrested and charged with 2000 Yen (chinese currency). There is another case when a accomplished pianist (23) from the hong kong or shanghai music academy, who ran over a woman while driving at night, and ran her over again and again so he would not have to pay bills. He was the second best pianist in the central region of china. He was administered to various chemical before dying. By the way, the young girl died in hospital 3 days later
I did not know how to re-size my signature so I'm not going to use it.
It is definitely a huge problem in China.  It happens every day.  But the problem is caused more by China's government and justice system.  People are afraid with good reason that by helping the person in need, they will have to pay the hospital bills for the person or they will get thrown in jail even if they didn't do anything but help someone.  That is what happens much of the time and the people of China know it, so they do nothing.  I do believe that this is what makes it a problem with China as a whole as Spartacus said.  It is the way of the land.  If society is forcing people to do wrong, then the problem is the society, not just the people that did wrong.  This is not to say that other societies don't have problems, but this one stands out because it has a direct effect on human life.  And while we sit here and say that these things are terrible, Chinese people would look at this as just people doing what they need to do because that's what their society tells them.  They don't see it as wrong.  While things like this happen in other countries, the people of those countries would be all over it, saying how it is awful and immoral.  Chinese people would not, as it is what they think they need to do.  That is the difference.
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If some thing like that happened in Syria, or Germany, i think that it would be like an entire Army of people surrounding the incident and rushing for help!
- I can understand that "sued thing", but it's really inhuman Sad
- Not all humans are the same, so no one can say that entire Chinese people are jerks!
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MindHACKer Wrote:If some thing like that happened in Syria, or Germany, i think that it would be like an entire Army of people surrounding the incident and rushing for help!
- I can understand that "sued thing", but it's really inhuman Sad
- Not all humans are the same, so no one can say that entire Chinese people are jerks!

Eventually after that the crash, a kind hearted janitor called emergency services to notify them of the situation
I did not know how to re-size my signature so I'm not going to use it.
Well......Dont give a sh!t ! All people are not all good.  8)
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