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alright alright finaly got permision to realse the tourny vids here is a short vid a threw together srry u can read the names the really llong red name is }{@... so ya and art is well labeled


dare you to count how many kills art got lol
That art is unstoppable
[Image: 74pkdcefk45p0ob8e76j.gif]
[Image: 164962_208.png]
^ lol basicly lol btw srry for the poor footage i think i deleted the main files ill take a look late i dont belive i did tho so ill need to re render the  video to a better ver before uploading it to youtube

also i probly wont be letting u hear my commentary it was pretty horrible but i will be posting the tourny vids with in the next week its a 7 vid series
haha i was on the video  8)

pass you don't have to call me [email protected]}{@K@PyIIIK@_RU36, some people call me }{@K@P or LOWRATE  :Smile
ur actualy in it alot in that round lol i belive u won that roung :\ so ya i figured i would feature u alot in in lol
god damn u pass how dare u not include me in the vid u noob  Tongue
srry lowrate i was a big fan lol but art is a piece of artwork lol i gotta let art teach me some of him arts lol
ya art raped that one round lets just say he won that round and was double the next highest score
NO!!!!!!!!! that video is gone!!!!!! pass, can you give me the link to mediafire or something, I want this video!  :'(

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