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The Presidential Circle Jerk Contest
Well, it was. Apparently romney-puss won last night.
Yet you know what, who wouldnt be pissed and disinterested like Obama, especially if u had to debate this guy on your anniversary(your 20 year anniversary) which most ppl would've probably rather have been spending with their wife at a nice romantic dinner. If i was the president, i woulda said "Fuck off Romney, its my 20th Anniversary and im gonna spend it with my wife, i'll debate some other time" of course i think Obama is too civil to do that, but seriously thats what i woulda told America, and if you can't understand someone being just a little annoyed like Obama was over something like this, well i dont know what to tell you.
I guess the worst part about it, especially to intelligent observers, was when Romney called Obama's economics style the "Trickle-down" economics. I was like does this idiot Republican even know what it is? Yes, but if the American ppl believed him at that instance then Americans really are clueless. In a Nutshell its the "Piss on You" economics, with huge emphasis on the rich "giving" to the poor which they didn't when Reagan tried it, and it can be also considered the Reaganomics style of Econ, that most Business types love.
I also couldn't understand how Romney won, when both candidates had very similar opinions apparently.

So thoughts ppl, and the only person i felt sorry for here was Jim Leher poor moderator wasn't fierce enough.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6

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