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Resolved  I've had it with this...
Name: AngryAnimals Falcon
Steam ID:

Second time this happened to me, First it was Narnia, now Falcon over the course of 5 minutes purposely moving in and out of my scope as i was playing in the Dm. Reason i demoed him, he wasn't actually killing anything the entire time he just kept moving around in and out of my scope. He started it by shooting at me though we were on the same team, i warned him thru the admin chat that its considered griefing to prevent other players from playing by either purposely blocking them or shooting at them on the same team. His reply was "i have no idea what you're talking about". I don't see anywhere where it says camping is illegal on the server, and frankly im just trying to play here.
The zip in the link has 3 demos in it each pretty short, but showing how over the course of about 5 minutes everytime falcon would spawn in the long A t spawn, how he'd jump into the pit, and systematically move in front of me and shoot his m4, and never actually kill anything, which clearly told me that he wasn't trying to hit someone from pit, and was trying to block me. Even when i moved out of his way in pit, from the right side to the left side wall of it, he'd still come in front of me and move in and out of where i was scoped in.
Though i've actually learned how to ignore this kind of thing, and i bet these demos won't really get any action taken because of them. This is the second time a player has i feel on purpose done this to me, and im pretty annoyed that this time it was an admin who should know better. Even after i blatantly warned him i'd demo him if he kept it up, that he still did this, just shows me how disappointing some people really are. I apologize for my Grammar. My intention here is to put this guy in question and others on notice basically, that i will not tolerate people who on purpose try to prevent me from just playing a simple game of CS,especially in the morning on Thanksgiving!!!!
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
I don't see what you're seeing from those demos. He's just strafing and shooting, and does get a few frags. I don't think he was trying to block you intentionally, especially since he would just become your meat shield against the awpers. Inconclusive. Also, Falcon is not an admin, and therefore wasn't able to see your threats and whatever else you typed into admin chat... Please don't abuse the admin chat.
Well Sorry than, didn't realize he wasn't an admin, at one in the past he went on like he was an admin. Anyway, like i said, i don't expect anything to be done, im just pissed with people blocking me or what i perceive as blocking me, Narnia did it before, sorry to whoever admin was on at the time of these demos, cuz an admin was clearly on, and clearly did respond, so i assumed it was Falcon, because he's said in the past that he was an admin.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Wait a minute. Am i tripping out? I clearly remember josh accusing falcon for abusing block command. That was around couple of months ago. Back then, i said "i think this happened before... Or is this deja vu?" and this. Falcon again?
LMAO he is an admin !!
[Image: 21abvjs.png]
He is an admin, Ceddeeoo.
Derr, i knew i didn't get that wrong.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
lol woops, that demo was the first time i've ever seen the guy. It'd be nice if someone could message him so that he could reply to this report.
Wow.... First time a fellow player complaining about me....! hmmm... I use to jump into the pit every time and randomly fire with my m4a1 at Bombsite A., to get a lucky shot. You know i play from a long distance from the US and pre fire at A do get me some kills. I just did that. And Yuuki sir., I never use block command in an abusive way. I would like you to mention it when so that i can check it up and correct myself(If). For Yang.... I still dont know what are you talking about. randomly running inside the pit and shooting is bad?
One you weren't actually killing anyone ,two, how come whenever i moved to one side of the pit, you just happened to move to the same side and go in and out of where i was sniping?Three, how come it was everytime you spawned in long A t spawn?
I already have my objective completed here, the guy's on notice, and now someone like narnia knows i will demo him if he does something i perceive to be griefing/preventing teammates from playing.
Iv'e seen other players camp pit alongside me plenty of times, with Aks, Augs, scouts, awps etc, but you see, none of them actually run in and out of my scope. Or directly in front of me for that matter, shooting randomly, and they don't actively move to where the guy who moved to avoid having someone being in the way of their shooting is. If im on the left side in pit, most players don't just move right in front of me(going back and forth), they stay to the side they were shooting from. Unlike you were doing, if i was on the right side of pit sniping, you moved to where i was and ran in and out of where i was shooting from. If i was on the left side of pit, you likewise moved to that side and moved in and out from where i was shooting. I also noticed you shot at me knowingly in the head which is why i warned you i'd demo you if you kept doing that. You're response was "i have no idea what you're talking about," and i warned you a number of times that i perceived you were(as riser put it) Griefing at me, and that i would demo you. Yet the fact that even after that you still decided it was okay to try and prevent me from sniping right be running in and out of where i was shooting from(right in front of me) is what perturbed me, so i demoed you. Then after i told you in the admin chat, that i had demoed you for doing this, you actually moved onto the ledge on the right side of the pit and shot from there for a bit, which clearly tells me you were intentionally blocking me, and were scared off when i told you i had a demo. Then i proceeded to record you in the course of 5 minutes everytime that i was in pit and you came and started running in and out in front of my camping spot which is why there are 3 demos.
I don't think anything will happen to you persay falcon, but first now you see how that kind of thing you do can be perceived as griefing especially when you do it not once, but like over the course of 5 minutes on and off.
Sure it could be coincidence that you just happened to move in front of me when i moved to one side of pit( though i doubt it), yes i don't think anything will be done cuz simply your an admin.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6

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