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My Puppy Died Last Night
We live out in the country and she went to far out following another dog, and the coyotes got her.
Damn, I'm sorry man, that's nature for ya. When I used to live in the southeast US we would always bring in my cat and dog into the house after sunset cause coyotes were everywhere eating cats and stuff, even in the metropolitan area of atlanta.
Yea, It's not the first lost, but it's the worst.
just wish the best for you, cause there's no such thing in my country.
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
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You're a terrible owner. So sorry for that puppy.
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Actually villan, we looked (in the night) for hours trying to find her. so stfu
wut was ur pups name
Is this thing on?

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Ouch man, i remember feeling like shit for about a month after my cat (21 years old in human years) died. So if you feel bad around your friends or at school Gonffs, its okay bro, theres nothing wrong with you. Also, screw you villan, thats a heartless thing to say.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
viLLain, post: 82187, member: 14954 Wrote:You're a terrible owner. So sorry for that puppy.
wow great thing to say when it wasnt really his fault.. very heartless
Gonffs i am really sorry about that my dog died of cancer.. pretty terrible but to find out your puppy was killing by coyotes thats terrible.. sorry man.. hope you feel better. Sad(( Dont let it bring you down to much.
[Image: JAFxq.png]
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Taking kitties out one at a time.
Shit happens *shrugs*

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