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Expired  This player hacking?


In your opinion, is the player in the videos above cheating?

In the first video he is clearly looking at the wall and when he fires, he is still looking at the wall. However, the shot somehow lands in the head of an enemy player. Seconds later the same thing happens as shown in the other video.
Quote:[INDENT]To report a hacker please provide the server the hacker is hacking in. Post the game that is being played in. Lastly post the user info so we can track down who it is.

Provide proof to our staff because if there is no proof there is nothing we can do. Take a video recording of the incident or provide chat logs.

Sample post:

Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: hackattack121
Evidence: (Proof here with a link to watch the video or chat logs)[/INDENT]
[SIZE=11px] [/SIZE]
Give the info need before you so you can get an answer nerd.
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
DK, post: 93652, member: 3039 Wrote:Give the info need before you so you can get an answer nerd.
I do have a demo, steam id and player name but I would prefer to hear from people what they think of the videos before I give that info, is the player cheating or not?

Double post

Server: (wL) Popular Maps #2 :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Game: Counter Strike Source
Suspected hacker's name: d3vaLL
Evidence: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xqr5hc
He doesnt hack.
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
That is the result of something called spectator lag. You'll notice that when you spectate pretty much anyone, any time they kill a moving opponent it's likely that their cross hairs will be way off.
I happened to analyse chuns flick shots and they are just the same.
Last 30 sec are most important
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Looked more like lag than a bot.
YuRi Approves
[Image: tumblr_l26orhtfgh1qb1ovyo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lsklc0sQ7G1qdmxh2o8_250.gif]
You can hear footsteps, so prefire shouldn't be an issue.
[Image: 8yi3kn.png]
yeah the awp thing that can bee seen in ru's video is just STV/recording lag, sometimes you'll hit somebody straight on in game but on the recording the crosshair looks off. The best awp players all have crazy flicks, which is what chun pulled off in that video.
Cracker Jack, post: 93667, member: 15180 Wrote:That is the result of something called spectator lag. You'll notice that when you spectate pretty much anyone, any time they kill a moving opponent it's likely that their cross hairs will be way off.
I am aware of the fact that you can kill a player by aiming in front of or behind him in his direction of movement, but that is not the case here. He is not aiming in front of the player or behind him, he is looking at the side of the player, and when he fires at the wall, not anywhere near the other player, the shot goes to the other players head.

Here is another video of d3vaLL from the same match:


Demo: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i6vj2z

In this video he is actually moving his aim away from the player, the crosshair is way off when he fires. And still the shot hits the enamy player. This is also "spectator lag"?
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