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Tired of old games looking like shit?
Tired of old games looking like shit?

Just not the same images you had in your mind when you wanted to replay Half Life 2 or Knights of the old republic, and the graphics is a huge disappointment, as technology has been progressed, our favorite games have remained in the dark ages.

Well there is an graphic injector that works for most old titles, that boosts and adds certain graphical options to old games, like AA, etc

FXAA Tool allows you to tweak the graphic options to the absolute best possible for the engine in question.

TO download follow this link:

Install anywhere, open it up, add the path to the desired game you which to boost, and inject it, then play around in the options of the injector to add the options you desire, then click save.

Open your game from the directory, and voila. Boosted to a more desirable look. Was just playing around with in KOTOR and I have to say it looks good enough to play now rofl.
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[Image: cucubelu2.jpg]
[Image: 801768_101.png]
Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator

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Tired of old games looking like shit? - by cucubelu - Aug 07 2013, 03:02 AM

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