Sep 01 2013, 07:36 AM
I would like to report JayCat for admin abuse. Iv been Gagged/Muted for a month "I have issued a one month long gag on Johnny Reb for Inappropriate Language." Because Friday the 13th posted on the forums about me harassing him in game. Although Friday the 13th is the one of the most disliked players in the server because of play style and ignoring the objective continuously. I find it funny that JayCat actually feels his Gag is reasonable considering half of the shit people say on the mics and type. Any admin who wanted to try and act like they do so much to help the server could read through 5 minutes of chat log at any time of the day to see somebody using "inappropriate" language. And please explain to me what is "Inappropriate" Am i not mistaken there is a fancy little thing in place that replaces any racial slur with some genius line like "My parents forgot to lock my cage so i came here" HOW ORIGINAL!!! So if i received a mute/gag for saying bitch,fuck,hoe, well then that's complete bullshit because people say much worse and spam the mic with racial slurs. Most if not all "inappropriate" language i say is directed towards a friend completely jokingly. If a person is offended why not use the little fancy power !ignore that the genius admin placed once again. Most Players among Pop. server do not mind me other than the Jollibee kidos but they ghost and wall nonstop but hey they still are on the server. I just find it funny you actually consider a month long gag for "inappropriate" language reasonable. I feel like i am being targeted and singled out to try and help Fridays feelings while he cuddles with his auto sniper in spawn. I'm sure nothing will come out of this because i am the "bad one" in the server causing all the problems with my "inappropriate" language.