Poll: What Mini Games Should We Add? Show Results
Survival Games
4 22.22%
5 27.78%
Tnt Run
2 11.11%
Hide n' Seek
1 5.56%
The Walls
2 11.11%
Other - Put in post below
4 22.22%
Total 18 vote(s) 100%
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Vote for a mini game to be added to the server !
1. I voted for survival games not hunger games. Survival games in my eyes are like skyworld survival or island survival but in battle mode. If need be I can post a vid of what I mean by that. It's quite interesting.

2. I voted for spleef do solely on the fact that it is extremely entertaining to play let alone watch.

3. I also voted other because I feel like hunger games would be legit. There's also a plugin I saw a while ago that spawned chests at different intervals in the world for people to go searching for them. Much like geocaching.

I feel that anything with tnt and falling sand could cause major lag on the server. I really want a server with minimum amount of lag possible.
[Image: NrozTn.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Vote for a mini game to be added to the server ! - by Jachit - Sep 02 2013, 01:35 AM

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