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Expired  Abusive player: N.B.B. NEVER BE BETA *Boyz Club*
Nope...I do not get hard at all off these guys. :confused:
Nope...I feel you do not need to gag/mute everyone, just a select few that continue to makes others gaming time miserable.
Admins have some control over text chat and voice chat, they should exercise more of it on that server imo. Excessive slaying of players in any case at all imo is not called for.So they lose chat privileges for a while, big deal. [COLOR=rgb(179, 0, 0)]Its kinda like driving a car its a privilege NOT a right. [/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Especially when they deserve a chat ban.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]IMO only. Would you like me to extract some specific things that I find extremely offensive in his chat?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]This chat is like a disease it spreads to other players, I know I became victim to it...Thinking I could get away with it as well and lash back at them to give them a taste of what they dish out. Suckered.[/COLOR]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Abusive player: N.B.B. NEVER BE BETA *Boyz Club* - by Friday the 13th - Sep 02 2013, 04:49 PM

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