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Denied  Lei's Admin Application#2nd Try
Name: DomoCatcher.™#Lei
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:36934499
Timezone: UTC+08:00 Singapore
Availability: On Weekdays, from 7PM To 9.45PM. On Weekends, nearly all the time.
Tell us something about yourself: I am a 14 year old kid who loves to play CSS. I usually play on Cs_Office Asia. I go to school every weekday in the morning and would be back after twelve. I would do my homework than tuition. During my free time, I would play until about ten at night. Sometimes I may not get to play as I will have loads of homework. If I get my admin, I will try to spend more time on the forums and the server. I would try to keep things smooth on the server. I am kind and friendly unless someone gets me really angry. Big Grin I have never been banned for a bad thing but on a Australian server once, I was banned because if high Ping/Latency. I know quite a lot of information about hacking. If i had made a mistake i would admit it and would try to learn from it. I am from a Clan called [FrS] in CSS.
Reason For Admin Application:

I want to be an admin because most of the time when admins aren't around, the CTs won't do the objective at all and I'd like to be able to help motivate the players so it won't be boring.I want to be able to make it fair for everyone and to make it enjoyable to play. I want to make people happy and not frustrated, I want people to have a good time and enjoy themselves, making them want to come back to this server to play and invite their friends to play here. This will benefit WarLords by making it more popular. I would try to ballance the teams, like if there is too many good players in one team, i would shift some to the other team. There are also quite a few team stackers, i would shift them back to to their original team or the loosing team. I would kick people who are AFK or warn them if they are camping. I would not ban people for no rhyme or reason. The one thing i really cannot tolerate is people who get killed and fuss about it like a baby. If i were online, I would ask them to shut up. If they do not obey, i will mute them. (If doing this is wrong please tell me in the replies below)
I have one question though, if I ever get accepted as admin, how would i know, and what happens after that.

Thank you for reading this application. If it is denied, no hard feelings.

Messages In This Thread
Lei's Admin Application#2nd Try [REJECTED] - by Lei - May 22 2014, 10:38 AM

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