Jun 04 2014, 04:08 PM
20:06 - Alina [#MikuAfterDark]: what country does it say im from?
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: hi
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: gimme a sec
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: moscow city
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: Russia
According to Yodha, it says Moscow City, Russia. In literal term. This not normal at all!
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: hi
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: gimme a sec
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: moscow city
20:06 - ๖Yσďħɚ™๖: Russia
According to Yodha, it says Moscow City, Russia. In literal term. This not normal at all!
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