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Name: MY MOM!

SteamID: steam_0:1:9755002

Age: 22, 23 mid June

Random Fact: I live in Hawaii. I love playing basketball, drinking, css, and my gf (not necessarily in that order).

Reason for Admin Application: There are a few hackers that come in from time to time when I'm playing in the middle of the night. Also, a lot of people that play don't fulfill objectives, mic spam, and give inappropriate comments. I am one who usually can tolerate such childish behavior, but sometimes it gets annoying and unfair to other players.
[Image: sig.png]
[Image: defend-hawaii-blog42-1.png]

Messages In This Thread
ADMIN APPLICATION - MY MOM! - by MY MOM! - Jun 07 2011, 05:27 AM
RE: ADMIN APPLICATION - MY MOM! - by xFerior - Jun 07 2011, 05:38 AM

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