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Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking
GeOoOrGe, post: 111394, member: 17733 Wrote:Once i did 25 kills in row but it stopped on 13 ( God like ) and then i get nothing :\
I know, me too! Sad the bonuses should go to at least like 50 kills IMO.

AkmalAkbarAli, post: 111386, member: 17374 Wrote:I mostly play on css crackhouse dm, sometimes d2. IMHO the point loss per death is waaaaaay too forgiving for ranks to be meaningful. No joke, if you can kill one person per life you're moving up and rank does not even indicate level of skill at all. Just the other day I was face to face killing a guy who was so terrible it was laughable....yet he's #1?!?! It's so handicapped, even a KDR of 1.69 ...can hold a player in the TOP 10 (at the time of this writing) o_0.

What I suggest is to double or triple the penalty, possibly cap the loss to -24. Maybe increase the bonus for headshots, so that people who actually can place those shots intentionally can be rewarded for it (10x scout hs bonus ftw yeah do it). At least some kind of penalty increase to the point where rank/points are earned rather than "tenure squatted" as another player put it.

The amount of points you get for a kill/death depends on your points rating, your opponent's points rating, and the weapon used to kill (weapon modifiers). "If you kill someone with a higher points rating than you, then you gain more points than if you kill someone with a lower points rating than you. ...
Specifically, the equations are:

Killer Points = Killer Points + (Victim Points / Killer Points) × Weapon Modifier × 5

Victim Points = Victim Points - (Victim Points / Killer Points) × Weapon Modifier × 5" (source).

Also, the longer you play in a server, the more time you have to rack up points.

Rank doesn't necessarily reflect a player's skill level, no... but if a good player and a bad player spend the same amount of time playing in a server, the good player will gain more points than the bad player. Good players get to move up in rank faster, but as they move up in rank they gain less and less points for killing low-ranked players... so this easy points boost is only temporary. Once you get to a certain point in the rankings, individual kills alone are often not enough to move up in rank... players have to make use of the other bonuses given by gameME (like kill streak bonuses) to retain their rank.

IMO if you really are much better than another player, your points will reflect it over time. There are some exceptions, like players who are on constantly (noobs that play longer than other noobs will accumulate more points), but in general I think the rankings work pretty well. I don't see how increasing the number of points lost per death would make things better... that would just make everyone's scores lower, and make the rankings even less representative of skill level.

Also -- Crackhouse is not a good map for determining someone's skill level in the first place.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < joker - Jun 15 2014, 07:59 PM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Joltzz - Jun 15 2014, 10:22 PM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < :3 - Jun 15 2014, 10:45 PM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Jackie - Jun 16 2014, 03:19 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < :3 - Jun 16 2014, 04:40 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - Jun 16 2014, 06:28 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Matt - Jun 16 2014, 06:37 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Joltzz - Jun 16 2014, 11:21 PM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < :3 - Jun 16 2014, 11:39 PM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Joltzz - Jun 17 2014, 12:01 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < :3 - Jun 17 2014, 02:48 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by Joltzz - Jun 17 2014, 04:27 AM
RE: Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking - by < :3 - Jun 17 2014, 05:28 AM

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