Sep 25 2014, 02:28 AM
So I got a bit impatient waiting, so I uninstalled all CSS related stuff from my laptop and installed a new non-steam to see if I was still banned, and it has banned that account too. I suspect this is the same system that targeted my legitimate account. As I said previously, we moved the non-steam to the computer with my legit account on it and then tested both accounts, so the ban system had associated the two accounts and spread the ban. Now that I made a new illegitimate account, the ban, once again, spread to an account that had never hacked. This is not a fair way of banning. I would like to continue playing on your servers on my steam account, but if you stay strong with your "insufficient evidence" excuse, then I'll just stick with CS:GO or any other CSS server that doesn't hand out bans as much as a pimp hands out money to strippers.