You can apply if you are 18 and older and willing to obey our group rules. You will receive rules and further information about our group upon approval. Must be willing to give up loyalty to other groups.
-Name in game:ƙɪɗɗ ҳ ƥɾơ
-Steam id:STEAM_0:0:99079029
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits GNRz,Only|Deagle,The Neros,Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ's,The CoRRuPt CRusAdeRS™,GEaRS YouTube Community).
-Why Night Watch:I Know Some People That I Play With In (wL)Snipers and (wL) Minigames in your group so i want to join the group
-About yourself[/code]:I Am Active most of the time if a go to school i cant be online so sorry.
-Name in game:ƙɪɗɗ ҳ ƥɾơ
-Steam id:STEAM_0:0:99079029
-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits GNRz,Only|Deagle,The Neros,Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ's,The CoRRuPt CRusAdeRS™,GEaRS YouTube Community).
-Why Night Watch:I Know Some People That I Play With In (wL)Snipers and (wL) Minigames in your group so i want to join the group

-About yourself[/code]:I Am Active most of the time if a go to school i cant be online so sorry.