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An issue I have with certain players on the pugs
LMAO this is one of the most outrages/ funniest/ retarted things i have ever seen,

we do use a private teamspeak but we have never ghost for eachother. I remember u bringing this up in the server the other day because u heard me making a call through vivix headset.i did make a call but because i died to that person and since you are so ignorant you did not want to listen.

Didn't u want admin for the WL servers? that would the worst mistake ever you are a trigger happy kid who is really ignorant when he thinks he is right. You been haveing a hard-on for vivix lately where you bitch about anything he does and trying to make him lose his admin.

Another thing, Vivix is admin Sosa is an admin as well, you think they would want to be ghosted on? why would we ghost infront of an admin? one who isnt scared to ban someone who needs to be banned or kicked. Anyways its my word against yours and its pretty retarted that you are trying to get us banned for litteraly no reason. LOL and seeing how much you typed shows me how much of a life you really have.

"that should be forbidden" why should it, and if you are using the 5k incident as evidence it doesn't say he is ghosting lol, and its funny how you are acting so innocent as you are a victim of him making fun of u when you have one of the biggest mouths in this community. You always talk shit toeveryone you forgot to mention that

Messages In This Thread
RE: An issue I have with certain players on the pugs - by S^Kript - Aug 22 2016, 02:26 AM

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