Thank you for the report, i'm honored that you consider i abuse my admin quite a bit, so i do in fact enjoy reading these reports.
Prior to the mute, in the warm up, yes i still have to review where you initiated a votekick for me, while there were already people in the server pugging, getting 6others to voteban me. I could have been watching somebody that i thought was cheating you know, spectating people, considering the pug was full. Which is now abusing the votekick system which can intitially get you banned for 24hours.
Now, another thing, to the day starting, and i'm going to warn you, everday before you actually do it. You do like to mic spam a lot especially more so when i'm on the servers, and when you're not spamming the mic, you're spamming the chat, consider that mute your warning, the following actions for you spamming - will result in a 1day ban, followed by a week ban, a month ban, and so on.
I'm getting tired of you, and the ways you seem to troll, while pulling up the rules, as well as all the meanings as to what things mean. I get several complaints about you and what you do, as well as whitness them myself. Your trolling days are coming to an end, appriciate the fact that i muted you rather than just kicked you or gave you a temp ban, and allowed you to play.
-Edit: also to answer your halfway through the pug thing. I noted in text that you will remain on a mute for the full pug, how you got unmuted during the halftime i haven't a clue, so i also noted you wern't supposed to be unmuted and re-muted you for the remainer of the pug.
This thread is your ultimate warning, thank you for your cooperation.
Prior to the mute, in the warm up, yes i still have to review where you initiated a votekick for me, while there were already people in the server pugging, getting 6others to voteban me. I could have been watching somebody that i thought was cheating you know, spectating people, considering the pug was full. Which is now abusing the votekick system which can intitially get you banned for 24hours.
Now, another thing, to the day starting, and i'm going to warn you, everday before you actually do it. You do like to mic spam a lot especially more so when i'm on the servers, and when you're not spamming the mic, you're spamming the chat, consider that mute your warning, the following actions for you spamming - will result in a 1day ban, followed by a week ban, a month ban, and so on.
I'm getting tired of you, and the ways you seem to troll, while pulling up the rules, as well as all the meanings as to what things mean. I get several complaints about you and what you do, as well as whitness them myself. Your trolling days are coming to an end, appriciate the fact that i muted you rather than just kicked you or gave you a temp ban, and allowed you to play.
-Edit: also to answer your halfway through the pug thing. I noted in text that you will remain on a mute for the full pug, how you got unmuted during the halftime i haven't a clue, so i also noted you wern't supposed to be unmuted and re-muted you for the remainer of the pug.
This thread is your ultimate warning, thank you for your cooperation.