Mar 28 2017, 07:45 PM
(Mar 28 2017, 06:09 PM)RealRecklezz Wrote: This post was submitted suspiciously close to the time of his involvement in the following thread: It might even seem that this applications is a response to the thread to begin with. If so then this application would most likely be emotionally driven, which is an indirect indication of his personality. If this were to be emotionally driven, then it shows that the person in question is most likely not in full control of his or her emotions and would succumb to emotional urges when it comes time to perform the given moderator duties.
For instance, lets analyze the following quote by sosa: "Seeing some next level trolling going on in here. Can't even tell what's real and what isn't.... "
This can be taken one of two possible ways. On one hand he can hide behind the appeal of infallibility and claim that it was a sarcastic comment or on the other hand, demonstrates his inability to differentiate between types of comments or personal intentions.
Lets take another example from aforementioned post: "When things come to RealRecklezz though, that is a completely different chapter. I would rather not discuss the problems that I've with him, and if there was an ignore button for the forums I definitely would use it against him, as I don't want to spend precious time out of my day reading whatever comes out of that special mind of his."
And later: "Good luck with that buddy. You've fallen into recklezz' troll trap, he will not stop until he gets the attention that he never received as a child."
This sequence of events shows his inability to follow up on not wanting to "spend precious time out of my day reading whatever comes out of that special mind of his."
If it weren't for the suspiciously close timing of the application with another thread that caused commotion. I would have endorsed his application completely.
Unfortunately, the events that led up to this application changed my views on his endorsement and has left me with only one piece of advice.
I would suggest not allowing the subject in question to take on the responsibility of a moderator.
You made me laugh out loud, no joke. I'm sorry but your endorsement is not worth anything to anybody, and neither is your opinion if you haven't figured that out yet.