Default hours :
If Teams are ...
Both East Time Zone : 9:00 East, 8:00, 7:00 MTZ Central, 6:00 Pacific
East vs Central : 9:45 East, 8:45, 7:45 MTZ, Central, 6:45 Pacific
Both Central : 10:30 East, 9:30 Central, 8:30 MTZ, 7:30 Pacific
Central vs West : 11:15 East, 10:15 Central, 9:15 MTZ 8:15 Pacific
Both West : 12:00 East, 11:00 Central, 10:00 MTZ 9:00 Pacific
East vs West, it is Central Default time : 10:30 East, 9:30 Central, 8:30 MTZ, 7:30 Pacific
Teams will be able to schedule for different hours on the default date (not after midnight whatever tz), or make the match on a day PRIOR to default day (not after, it would delay the tournament) .
If Teams are ...
Both East Time Zone : 9:00 East, 8:00, 7:00 MTZ Central, 6:00 Pacific
East vs Central : 9:45 East, 8:45, 7:45 MTZ, Central, 6:45 Pacific
Both Central : 10:30 East, 9:30 Central, 8:30 MTZ, 7:30 Pacific
Central vs West : 11:15 East, 10:15 Central, 9:15 MTZ 8:15 Pacific
Both West : 12:00 East, 11:00 Central, 10:00 MTZ 9:00 Pacific
East vs West, it is Central Default time : 10:30 East, 9:30 Central, 8:30 MTZ, 7:30 Pacific
Teams will be able to schedule for different hours on the default date (not after midnight whatever tz), or make the match on a day PRIOR to default day (not after, it would delay the tournament) .