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Remove server message from SourceTV demo
(Oct 30 2017, 02:45 AM)Knee of Justice Wrote: I'm trying to record a highlight from a sourcetv demo but in the middle of the screen a message from the server pops up and there seems to be no way to get rid of it without disabling the hud completely. All I want is the crosshair and kill feed.

Picture of the message I want to remove (starts with "Type .sub"):

yeah had the same problem when i was recording/playing on wl servers.

Never found a way to get rid of those, would be fun to know if its doable or not. But ...

We would probably need Bison to have an answer on that :'(

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove server message from SourceTV demo - by Ben- - Oct 30 2017, 05:37 AM

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