Jul 12 2011, 05:09 AM
I've reviewed the demo. I noticed Loks wondered how I "knew he was there" on top of the roof. First of all, I didn't know he was there prior to seeing him there. I always check that spot when I first go on top of the roof. Everyone should. I pretty much check every corner when rushing because an enemy could be there waiting for me, hence what happened. The round later, I pretty much did the same procedure. I checked the spot again. If you have recorded me before, you would notice that I check that spot every time I rush outside from CT to kill AFK/camping Ts. I tried to explain this in my ban appeal:
OwnageHN Wrote:First of all, I've played cs_nuke for hundreds of rounds. I can probably recreate the entire map to scale in Hammer. Anyway, I can predict where most people will go. That sounds a little sketchy but you won't understand what I mean unless you play video games a lot... [basically,] I have common sense with reason by deduction.