Jul 12 2011, 06:19 AM
Loks Wrote:Wow that first shoot he give behind the box its clear for me and if you look he try another kill behind the same box!!! and before he get me hidding up there he gave a look to the wall (like he was checking if somebody there) look with r_drawothermodels 2!!
Just my opinion!!
Loks, please don't be offended. I understand you're from Brazil and English is probably not your native language. I'm just altering your grammar so you and I are talking about the same thing.
Quote:Wow, that first shot he gave behind the box is clear for me and if you look, he tried another kill behind the same box!!! and before he got me hiding up there, he gave a look to the wall (like he was checking if somebody was there) look with r_drawothermodels 2!!
"[That] first shot" is ambiguous. I'm not sure which shot you're talking about. If you're talking about what i-spy said, I cleared that up.
"[Before] he got me hiding up there, he gave a look to the wall (like he was checking if somebody was there)" Which wall are you talking about? Like I said before, I was checking to see if anyone was on top of the roof likes I always do. Furthermore, since I always check that spot, I don't always see an enemy up there. Because of this habit of not seeing people there every time, you can see that I got a little surprised when I jumped up there and saw 2 terrorists and subsequently missed my first shot.