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wL Server Popular Maps #2: Round Time Duration Decreased
Hey Bison,

This is VC. 

Would you guys at wL considering reducing the round time significantly?

I noticed that I am the rushing type and like to push forward early to key spots to hold certain map choke points.
Whenever I play, there are only a handful of brave teammates that assist me, thus my style tends to get me killed and leaves me in spectator mode for a long time.

Thus being able to spectate for a large amount of time, I notice there is a particular admin that tends to have the opposite play style of me. 
On Aztec as T, he camps T spawn nest area until very late in the round usually less than 45 seconds will he begin to engage.
On Italy as CT, he camps CT apartments actually until 20 seconds to move to peek T bridge and purposely waits there until the round is over resulting in a loss.

If you make comments for him to do the objective he will refer to the timer, saying he has plenty of time or will say he is outnumbered thus he is camping.

Either way, this admin person purposely drags out the rounds and makes people wait for entire 3 minutes.

However when others are doing the same strategy he is doing, he will use his admin powers to slay them.

To prevent this, the real solution to keep the majority of people in less spectator time is to reduce the round time encouraging both sides to engage earlier and avoid the frustration people feel watching someone play extremely passive without any real tactics not fair to their teammates.

Just a suggestion but a genuine one, I truly hope you would consider. 


Messages In This Thread
wL Server Popular Maps #2: Round Time Duration Decreased - by VietCong - Aug 02 2011, 09:45 AM

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