Aug 11 2011, 02:41 PM
OwnageHN Wrote:I agree that it's a public server, but I'm going to play to win.
But you lost. Lol?
Guess it was only a matter of time before I broke my own rules and contributed (albeit poorly) to this issue.
Ownage, I can see why you're mad. From what I have read of the situation, it seems that the odds were stacked against you, and it would have been near suicide for any player to attempt the bomb.
But it's a pub, man. There is no need to save the awp for the next round, chances are that someone else will have the money to buy it and your team will still have an awper, it's fine.
Was this thread really necessary man? Just forgive Tea and maybe change up your style a little so that you have a backup plan for when you get into these situations.
Also I don't understand how you can't comprehend what Loks is saying. His English is extremely good, as is all of our exotic admins

If you read this, you suck.