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CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :)
Nuke Continued: Fun Stuff!

The Vent Glitch
Ever noticed how the guy in vents always seem to know where you are hiding up top?
No it isn't walls, but its another form of exploit Smile
If you do happen to be in a situation where you have to go A, and you're at vents, then just go to the middle of the vents. Once at the middle of the vents, just spam your crouch button and you'll see your screen start to glitch.

If you're lucky, you might even see a CT! ... _00015.jpg

Fun Strat

Okay so if you happen to be rolling the other team, then here is a fun strat that's really quite a challenge to do. Smile First have four guys go to the roof, then have your last guy picking outside to cover the other four. One of the four guys in roof will boost the other three players up on twinky like so: ... _00023.jpg

The three people in twinky will jump down to mini, but NOT TO THE GROUND! ... _00024.jpg

From there, one guy will stand by the circular vent and boost two guys on it. ... _00025.jpg

Then from there, one of the two guys on the vent will stand as close to the edge as possible. The other will get ontop of said guy. The one ontop then makes a strafe jump into the railing like so: ... _00027.jpg
Did he make it? ... _00028.jpg
YES! ... _00029.jpg

Off he goes to pwn some noobs at A. Smile The other four will then proceed to take inner~
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by bSprout - Jun 28 2011, 09:26 AM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Bah - Jul 19 2011, 01:13 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by keek - Jul 21 2011, 07:18 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by bSprout - Aug 11 2011, 02:45 PM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Bah - Aug 14 2011, 12:27 AM
RE: CS:S Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs! :) - by Sol - Aug 14 2011, 04:35 AM

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