Sep 25 2011, 05:55 AM
competion was gay >
v didnt know the competion started
it said datitwas at 6:30 in indiantime
wen i joined the der was10 guyzall withgud score
v had to downlaod map andthingsfrom the begeniing
wen ientered thescorewaslike 15-0forevry1 :o
then ihadnt got anytime 2kill
thiswasnt fair competion >
v didnt know the competion started
it said datitwas at 6:30 in indiantime
wen i joined the der was10 guyzall withgud score
v had to downlaod map andthingsfrom the begeniing
wen ientered thescorewaslike 15-0forevry1 :o
then ihadnt got anytime 2kill
thiswasnt fair competion >
HbK|DeNVeR will be there to kill u