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Highlights from one night of scrimming against AngryAnimals
Assassin Wrote:bison how come u didnt play i bet that if played and they put all the angry animals in one team and u a lone in one team u are gonna dominated them all lolĀ  Tongue

He played in all 5 of them.

Ramesh From India trying this item :) Wrote:WOW , the no clip was simply stunning . kudos

No clip?

Spiffywerks Wrote:How come your shots are so smooth, even with AK? When I shoot ak, my screen jumps with every shot due to recoil, but yours is no jumpy, just smooth even line shots even with full auto....

Hours and hours and hours and hours of practice.
TheĀ Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -

Messages In This Thread
RE: Highlights from one night of scrimming against AngryAnimals - by helmut^ - Oct 08 2011, 02:31 AM

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