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Fixing the horribly fucked up blue thrust scripts
Still cannot properly download files from BTCS3.



$dlcat = textFilter(getDownloadCatInfo("name", $dl));

echo "
<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' width='500' bordercolor='$bgcolor'>
<td class='titles' background='themes/$theme/$bgimage' bordercolor='$bordercolor' align='center'><b>$dlcat</b></td>
<td class='main' bordercolor='$bordercolor' style='border-top-width: 0px'>
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}downloads WHERE type = '$dl' ORDER BY name";
$result = mysql_query($query)
     or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
foreach($row AS $key => $value) { ${$key} = textFilter($value); }

$dispName = addslashes(textFilter(getMemberInfoByID("username", $poster)));
$dispRank = addslashes(textFilter(getRankInfo("name", getMemberInfoByID("rank", $poster))));
$dispDate = date("m/d/y", $dateadded);
echo "
<b>File Name:</b> $name<br>
<b>Posted By:</b> <a href='index.php?p=Profile&user=$dispName'>$dispRank $dispName</a><br>
<b>Date Posted:</b> $dispDate<br>
<b><a href="$filename">DOWNLOAD NOW!</a></b>
<hr size='1' width='500' color='$bordercolor'><br>

echo "


Click on a category where there is a file uploaded, and nothing displays.  Went to FTP to make sure file was uploaded correctly, it was and file is viewable.  What do?
Game, The

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fixing the horribly fucked up blue thrust scripts - by tn5421 - Oct 08 2011, 07:46 PM

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