Oct 10 2011, 03:34 AM
let me just say this...i was a bit drunk when i said most of the things is the last post, but...
your right we don't need studies to see that logical it seems true, but i know that i drive around stoned all the time i have never been pulled over or gotten a ticket. Are other ppl as skilled as i am..hell no. but yes i do agree most ppl should not drive high.
As for the Pharmy drugs..yes alot of them do help alot of ppl...but so does medical marijuana. There is a long list of illnesses that marijuana helps ppl to cope with being sick. Should everyone smoke weed FUCK no. the less the better..more for me...haha
This is an article that i found that talks about effects on the brain. It even talks about the study your talking about how it "could cause schizophrenia"..It also talks about a few other studies that contradict that.
http://www.alternet.org/drugs/151776/de ... al_illness
Your right but i just don't see why the Fed are trying to take away are Constitutional rights as a State to Govern our self's...if we want Medical Marijuana then why are they blocking us?
ok so a 13 year old started...im sure his reasons to use Marijuana is not the same as mine, still marijuana should be used as a medication for adults.
Would you say that about prohibition of Alcohol..that was a waste of money..how is Pot Prohib any different from that?
I would rather Marijuana Be Medically Legal, and have the money being wasted on enforcing laws that are unconstitutional go to other places,but your right they think its more urgent b/c the Politicians get money from the industry that would lose money form the legalization of medical marijuana.
your right we don't need studies to see that logical it seems true, but i know that i drive around stoned all the time i have never been pulled over or gotten a ticket. Are other ppl as skilled as i am..hell no. but yes i do agree most ppl should not drive high.
As for the Pharmy drugs..yes alot of them do help alot of ppl...but so does medical marijuana. There is a long list of illnesses that marijuana helps ppl to cope with being sick. Should everyone smoke weed FUCK no. the less the better..more for me...haha
This is an article that i found that talks about effects on the brain. It even talks about the study your talking about how it "could cause schizophrenia"..It also talks about a few other studies that contradict that.
http://www.alternet.org/drugs/151776/de ... al_illness
Your right but i just don't see why the Fed are trying to take away are Constitutional rights as a State to Govern our self's...if we want Medical Marijuana then why are they blocking us?
ok so a 13 year old started...im sure his reasons to use Marijuana is not the same as mine, still marijuana should be used as a medication for adults.
Would you say that about prohibition of Alcohol..that was a waste of money..how is Pot Prohib any different from that?
I would rather Marijuana Be Medically Legal, and have the money being wasted on enforcing laws that are unconstitutional go to other places,but your right they think its more urgent b/c the Politicians get money from the industry that would lose money form the legalization of medical marijuana.
http://war-lords.net/flamez/matt-4838/m ... n#msg34895
^^^^ Click and say Thank you to the guys who keep
this shit going.NOW^^^^
naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.