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Opinions Welcome On New Server Ideas [Map Pack Inside]
mar_heave Wrote:hey hey you forgot something...
we should have variation of servers, not all that...
so there will be 3 new servers?
pistol only is ok, nice, then I suggest Zombie Escape,
zombie escape server will bring a success(I think)
because zombie escape is better than zombie reloaded...

No, there is only going to be one new server at the moment. Full Rotation and Fight Yard are gone, there will be nothing replacing them for the time being. The hugely unused GunGame server will be replaced with this server idea. If you really think that Zombie Escape is better than Zombie Reloaded, then why don't we replace the ZR server with a ZE server?

stinK Wrote:i will agree zombie escape maps are very fun and ALWAYS populated... other zombie servers i never have an interest in.

The problem with zombie servers is the amount of custom models. It always seems that someone is missing models, and they are attempting to flee from character models that are just massive red ERROR signs. Whilst I can agree that zombie servers are populated, we already have a zombie server up at the moment. I'm trying to think of a new idea, rather than a server idea that can be compared to hundreds of other servers.

Assassin Wrote:rival you never fail to impress me with your ideas lol
i do like your idea, and it would be great if we can add more forced rules e.g, the terrorist have to occupy a certain place in the map within a given time length, or make the cts kill a certain terrorist within a given time length and the terrorist have to protect him, and make a knife round too in addition to the pistol roundĀ  between the normal rounds. This will make it more exciting and interesting. Also it would be great if we have a pistol only server. Hope u like my suggestion, and tell me what u think pplĀ  Wink

Thanks Smile The idea you're talking about is Assassination maps. There are already as_ maps, one of the most famous being as_oilrig. The problem with doing as_ maps on a pub server is that it's easy for griefers to mess up the game for CTs. We'll test a couple of as_ maps though.

As for knife round, we'll probably have the knife fight plugin that we do on other servers. As I've said in my first post, we're only having one new server, which is why Matt and I talked about merging ideas together. I posted a thread here because I wanted to see what you guys thought about it, or if you could think of anything that would mess up the server or make the game really lame to play, but so far it seems that you all like it.
If you read this, you suck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Opinions Welcome On New Server Ideas [Map Pack Inside] - by Anonymous - Oct 12 2011, 07:21 AM
RE: Opinions Welcome On New Server Ideas [Map Pack Inside] - by Anonymous - Oct 12 2011, 07:37 AM
RE: Opinions Welcome On New Server Ideas [Map Pack Inside] - by I, The Rival - Oct 12 2011, 11:43 PM

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