Oct 22 2011, 12:07 PM
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:its hard to have an oppinion in the matter, i mean there is just no way to know what really happened unless you where their experianceing it first hand. We can speculat all we want but that fact is that when we hear the media reporting on the matters, they all put their own "spin" or bias in to the mix so that the people that read their news articles or watch the TV station will keep watching b/c they like what they hear. I see it all day long, just switch between the different news channels and you will see that each story is slightly different.
Yes you see different opinions from different channels or even from different countries(in my case), but facts are the same, and you can build your own opinion from facts, I normally start my day from watching 3-4 different news channels, Russian news, British news and US news, they all normally start from facts and end with biased opinions, I just skip opinions and analyse the facts.