Nov 01 2011, 02:57 PM
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:Nope.fenken Wrote:CSSMIXES is full like everyday. I love it although the servers are trash and people there are dicks, not even kidding.Is that pic of you holding a paper saying Rick is a fag?
I made a suggestion on their forums and they told me to go away
But back to the topic, someone should teach us how to PROPERLY use IRC.
Also, they shouldn't make a Singapore server for just one person! Think about it but let's not get into this conversation,just saying!
And I didn't ask them to make a server on SG, I told them to make a server on California so that I would get lower ping.
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.