Nov 08 2011, 09:13 AM
IGN : rAnSaCk
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:2143381061
Age : 16
About myself : I play and do stuff ;D I have never hacked and have never been banned
Edit : I don't have a legit steam
( And sorry about the time when I attacked my own team mate with a knife (ff was on ) I forgot about ff being on. It was unintentional )
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:2143381061
Age : 16
About myself : I play and do stuff ;D I have never hacked and have never been banned
Edit : I don't have a legit steam
( And sorry about the time when I attacked my own team mate with a knife (ff was on ) I forgot about ff being on. It was unintentional )
I need to get a life.