Nov 10 2011, 03:09 PM
ANONYMOUS Wrote:Assassin Wrote:Name ingame: Assassin
steamID :STEAM_0:1:45252766
Age: 18
Groups:, NetCode Illuminati , Skial, and Vamos al Blood.
About myself: im active most of the time on the forums, and in game no specific time im on in all the time zones :/
ive been thinking of joining a clan and saw this thread, btw i like Russia does that count ? lol
ps: if you are gonna reject me then do it nicely so my feelings wont be hurt you can say:
''they liked you alot but they decided to go with a different direction'' lol
HbK|DeNVeR Wrote:am i accepted as night watch or what ???
You are not on steam, it's impossible.