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For Those Of You Experiencing Lag [Updated]
Re: For Those Of You Experiencing Lag

BaNaNaMaN Wrote:I think he uses the cfg file which lowers his graphics.

Looking at his screenshots, he's consistently sending less data/packets to the server than required. If the client has lower graphics, then it would just mean there is less entities for the client to render (or less detail in the entities, at least). So he could still receive packets and extrapolate the data correctly from the server, but he wouldn't be sending packets to the server quick enough (or often enough) for his hits to register well enough, or for other people to register the correct damage on him quick enough.

This is the problem with people using pre-configured cfgs from other sites. People just copy/paste them into their autoexec, and then expect the game to run fine because they can't be bothered to spend the time to learn a little something of the games workings, and tweak their settings to suit them. If everyone on War Lords spent a little time reading and learning about rates, then there would be less people complaining about reg.

That actually brings me onto another point. A lot of people blame War Lords servers for being laggy, or failing with reg. I know I have recently, especially on the 24/7 servers. What I failed to realise at the time was that if there are several users with bad rates (ie not sending packets fast enough to the server), then the packets aren't being received by the server in time, and therefore are not being sent out to players quick enough. On one side you have the people who have good rates, all updating their position correctly, and all have good reg on each other. Then there is the other half of people who are sending packets at half the speed, not sending packets large enough, and often dropping packets. These are the people that you have bad reg on.

With that in mind, if you have 30 people on a server, and 15 of them have bad rates, then it's going to seem like its the servers fault for not updating quick enough, and you think it's the servers problem of not sending out information quick enough. The truth is, it's the players not sending their information to the server fast enough, in turn resulting in the other players not receiving the packets because they're not being sent.

I posted a link to how the Entities Interpolation works in Knowpains "FPS Shitty" thread. It develops a little more on what I just said about people with bad rates, and it explains why its often that you seemingly won't hit someone with terrible rates, but they will be able to hit you without a problem.

Knowpain Wrote:Here my lerp after use those commands

[Image: ui96csmah975zs9o5l.jpg]

But fps :'(

Nice, well it seems that it's not really done much to help you send packets quick enough to the server. You're also receiving packets way too fast (the 84 and 15 should both be around 66). The rate that you're sending data to the server is very slow as well, which would explain why the packet sending rate is slower than 66. I am guessing that it's your network that is limiting you from sending packets fast enough, since you're not losing packets (your lerp is white).

Can you go to and do a test there from a server that is nearest to you, and then post it here? If your upload speed is really slow, then this is most likely the cause.
If you read this, you suck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: For Those Of You Experiencing Lag [Updated] - by I, The Rival - Nov 13 2011, 12:00 PM

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