Dec 29 2010, 07:02 PM
I got a 2nd copy of black ops... not sure why
2 pairs of silky boxers
A Under Armour long sleeve
A new pair of snowmobileing gloves
A Toshibo laptop with Windows 7 Premium on it
A trip to Flordia in march (I dont want to go but I dont want to say that to my parents :/)
And honesy rosted salted peanuts XD
2 pairs of silky boxers
A Under Armour long sleeve
A new pair of snowmobileing gloves
A Toshibo laptop with Windows 7 Premium on it
A trip to Flordia in march (I dont want to go but I dont want to say that to my parents :/)
And honesy rosted salted peanuts XD
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Titties are a mystical force unrivaled by any other phenomenon in the known universe.
Call me Mr. Macroz
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Titties are a mystical force unrivaled by any other phenomenon in the known universe.
Call me Mr. Macroz
® © ™ † ‡ ‰ ‹„¯ î ¿ ¢ £ ¥ § ¨ … ƒ