Dec 15 2011, 01:10 AM
I, The Rival Wrote:The Liberal Media Wrote:rival you are so helpful but your posts are soo longg. sum it up so that i can read less and still get your point . Also i realized just now that my laptop only has 1.0 mhz and thats why i fps lagged, but my desktop has 2.8 and its way faster maybe your cpu is a bit to slow :d
No. If something needs to be explained fully, then you have to read. I've read loads of articles, forum posts and 'pedia guides on doing loads of things. If anything, I've saved you a little net research, and my version is the compact version.
Also, you have a 1mhz processor? Wow.
Write in derp language. Btw, I'm sure someone asked this before, but I'd like to know the correlation between latency and opponents registry on me.
For example, i have people who whine about my 200 ping when they can't hit me. I have good rates and i think that's what really matters.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.