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The hs!boon Youtube Demo Video Challenge Thread...
#1, whatever. It's debatable.
#2. No one's in love with her. Get it out of your head. Your inability to get over the fact that we all have perfectly functional social lives outside of CS:S and that we simply want an e-GF is ridiculous.

Gnar did it the right way. She called an admin on, the admin/s was there to witness the situation, and a kick/ban was issued.

You haven't done so, so how are we supposed to know if we're not on?

Gnar doesn't troll when admins are on. So we have no records of it. Anyways, a lot of the time the server is full of regulars who joke around. There's a difference between playful banter and trolling.

Gnar, regardless of whether or not being a troll, does things by the rules when contacting admins, therefore the reason why she has a higher success rate. Btw. She never applied for admin. Only Lissy did, and while we can't speak on individual applications, the perceived trolling wasn't the reason, it was due to more legitimate reasons that an admin should have.

#3. Don't call players out pubicly without overwhelming proof is the general rule of thumb. Doing so will only cause a flame war and result in the original party getting punished (typically). I don't care how experience you perceive yourself to be. Do it the proper way through the forums. Makes it easier for us, and makes the chances of you getting into trouble for trolling a player all the less.

Sever isn't G-rated, but it sure isn't F-bomb this, F-bomb that, whore, and what can be seen in Rambo's chat. Fag isn't also a directly punishable word via the rules. Admins differ, I used to warn & kick for it, but I just understand it's the fact that it's become slang in the American culture in many areas. We aren't your "Bros" nor your close friends, we're merely acquaintainces. Talk like you would with them as you would on the server.

Many people will disagree with you on this statement.

#4 I haven't watched the demo, but if Mr. Tea said you intentionally teamflashed him, there would be something to it to give him that thought.

#5.So you admit to putting him on blast, or therefore attacking him? That's against the rules. I don't see how that's hard to understand.

Boon might piss off some people, but until we see some direct evidence that he hacks, he stays. Attacking him isn't going to do you any good. Anyways, the server still stays pretty active when he's around.

It's not Xmas eve, and it's not an obsession. I'm playing the game in CS:S, and all the family left the house. On Xmas eve, I was enjoying the last few hours online in bed waiting for a flight. I browse the forums when I'm dead so I don't get bored. Again, simple assumptions merely hurt your case & arguement.


Rival does bring up some excellent points. Boon does play ESEA and if I remember he's ESEA-im, or m. I doubt he's bypassing ESEA anti-cheat and all of the very good players there (who have access to his demos).

Note: The skill on War-Lords servers isn't that good on the general level. It doesn't take much to go on a rampage especially with a good team. There's typically a LOT of lower skilled players who make it easy to rampage on.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]

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RE: The hs!boon Youtube Demo Video Challenge Thread... - by joker8baller - Dec 26 2011, 07:41 AM

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