Dec 26 2011, 09:01 AM
joker8baller Wrote:When you combine VAC with ESEA Anti-Cheat client, and the playerbase of ESEA, you have a pretty good system of having someone closesly examined and would most likely have to be using a custom cheat/hack to be detected.well of course he isnt...he shot his load on xmas in 2011...Im sure he never thought crying on the forums begging to get me banned would result in HIS name being tarnished...that hs!boON name will be retired in yours truly
Again, you don't demonstrate that you have ANY evidence of him cheating. Get a vid of that first.
I'm not holding onto a position, you're just simply wrong. You trolled on the server, you were banned for intentional team flashing and you want a video of some kid you think hacks to prove he's legit? It sounds like you're just super pissed.
Boon's been investigated before, no one could tell that he was definitely cheating, and that's why he's still allowed to play on the server.
I don't need to scramble to hold onto a position that I firmly hold. You're the one that's attempting to. Mr. Tea isn't responding since he's currently stationed in Germany and he's probably at work.
What if the kid doesn't have a video camera? I've seen on the forums all of twice, ever?
Let's get some facts straight. I'm not biased for Boon. I don't have him on my friends list, I rarely see him on, and his friend who made the ban protest was pretty damn pretentious. I don't know the kid, and I don't pretend that I do. I do, however, hate when people call hacks when they have no proof. 50-3 isn't a good enough reason. I don't think I've even talked with him ingame before. I'm defending him because your arguements are invalid.
If you've played CS for as long as you claim you should realize that there's always someone better than another. Have you ever played against a CPL, or really good CAL-I team? Ever seen those guys try in a pub? It's fucking scary what they pull off. You should also be able to realize that it doesn't take a lot for some people to get amazingly good.
Kid's probably not going to make the video, sure. But you gave him more of a loaded gun. There's no reason he needs to prove anything to you, and to be honest, I don't think he checks the forum except when he needs something. I can't speak for the others but I'm not going to go out of my way to tell try and track him down, and I sure don't have him on friends.
it was a baaaaad move...because now...he is forever on youtube...well that is unless he posts a response vid..but you know he wont...because he would make a great public defender though joker :

anyhow its been entertaining...I totally understand the egg on the and a couple others would have...if u allowed some bs player to exist on your servers with're grasping right I will leave you with a screenshot...showing a astronomical # of kills in a 48-58 hr period...with half of them being headshots :o :o :o
please pass the link to the screenshot around to all those cal esea cpl blah blah players you look up to...if that dosent bring a smile to their face they might have the personality of a rock...because when I look at it...I smile ;D
![[Image: 53133-1ngp3.jpg]](
hope your xmas was a merry one...exposing this kid has been quite entertaining...kid blew his load faster than a virgin teen boy getting his first rub and tug...faster than joker blowing his load when gnarcandy sent him a pic...of her showing her breast in a steam avatar...LMAO
A member of the community responding to a crying troll when he gets his own medicine
silly Wrote:Actually (not that I'm agreeing with registry), you also rage at people who kill you too many times. I've seen that personally. I know most people rage sometimes, but your rage is quite regularly expressed with what seems to be no regard for anyone else. In fact, I also saw you raging at one of the Sr admins.