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The hs!boon Youtube Demo Video Challenge Thread...
silly Wrote:Registry, there is simply no evidence that boon hacks. If he doesn't reply to this, it doesn't mean that he hacks, it could just mean that he can't be bothered, doesn't even know about it, or doesn't have a camera to record the video with. He is not immune to being banned. There is just no currently available evidence that he hacks. Someone made a good point though, if you thought that he is a cheater, why didn't you just record a demo?
In regards to Boon's headshot percentage, 46% isn't unbelievable, and in fact ultma has 45% as does perfect

His kill per minute statistic is quite high, but I don't see why it would be impossible to achieve.
LoL...ya okay

Im not saying there arent good players out there...what I am saying is there is only one type of demo that will CONFIRM yay or nay on bullshit

this is the type of demo that I challenged him to...if he wants to hide thats fine too...he sure knew how to navigate to the forum when he went to cry about me calling him bs...thats the reason why I was banned...nothing more nothing less...any other manufacured reason is sad all the sudden after this thread is posted he became deaf and blind?  :-X

He dosent have to accept my challenge...but saying he dosent have access to a camera in this technical day and age...or going blind and deaf'silly'
A member of the community responding to a crying troll when he gets his own medicine
silly Wrote:Actually (not that I'm agreeing with registry), you also rage at people who kill you too many times. I've seen that personally. I know most people rage sometimes, but your rage is quite  regularly expressed with what seems to be no regard for anyone else. In fact, I also saw you raging at one of the Sr admins.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The hs!boon Youtube Demo Video Challenge Thread... - by Registry - Dec 26 2011, 10:33 AM

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