Jan 13 2012, 03:06 PM
Hmm Naill, was the OP lerping(as in killing people behind the wall) or skipping(teleporting)? If he was skipping, it really isn't abuse since you warned him twice already. Yet he joined back without fixing it(aka ignoring the admin).
Also lying isn't going to help. From what I see, Naill warned you about your lag then started a votekick(which was successful). You then rejoined without fixing the problem, he started another votekick, and it was successful too. Naill then banned you for 30 minutes for Ignoring Admin. Also mic spamming is already an offence, and if it's true he muted you your ban should've been way longer.
Naills dust2 chat log:
Also lying isn't going to help. From what I see, Naill warned you about your lag then started a votekick(which was successful). You then rejoined without fixing the problem, he started another votekick, and it was successful too. Naill then banned you for 30 minutes for Ignoring Admin. Also mic spamming is already an offence, and if it's true he muted you your ban should've been way longer.
Naills dust2 chat log: