Jan 23 2012, 12:15 AM
}{@K@P Wrote:what does he mean by the users who uploaded and downloaded stuff are in trouble, how about guests who downloaded from there?What this means is that if you have a premium account($9.99 a month or something?) that they have all of your information(aka: credit card #, full name, address)so they can find you as easy as possible. Now, if you have only uploaded / downloaded things freely, then you yourself shouldn't have any concern, as you did not give any personal information to the website itself except an illegal download or just a replay(like you guys do for CS:S). The main lesson to be learned here is don't pay for illegal downloads on the internet otherwise they can find you
if you've used filesonic, you can't really anymore
http://gizmodo.com/5878287/filesonic-ju ... le-sharing