Jan 24 2012, 12:08 AM
[ant!-v!ruz] Wrote:Piracy is not Theft, It's Piracy.
I'm a pirate, but your graphic just is false. Sure, no physical object is being removed, this does not mean nothing is stolen. If the asset of meaningful value is the control over copywrited information, then uncontrolled access to the information removes this asset from the original copywrite holder. You are literally removing the control of the information from its owners. I'll use this analogy again, if I were to copy your girlfriends nudes without permission, I have stolen information from you. You no longer control the rights of who gets to view that information and it can be spread without your control and you no longer "own" exclusive control.
Imagine you are a car manufacturer, but people do not need to buy your cars anymore because they can just clone any car they find for free. Ferrari's could be owned by everyone, people who bought Ferrari's would lose their shirts on the value as they can no longer sell them. The brand would be devalued, as homeless people would have just as much access to Ferrari's as the elite of society. The car example you listed is just a poor analogy and it presumes that taking a physical object is the only way to commit "theft".
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."